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 idk what this is... lol

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Jedi Council/Group Leader
Jedi Council/Group Leader

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Registration date : 2008-01-29
Jedi/Sith Name : Kyuu

idk what this is... lol Empty
PostSubject: idk what this is... lol   idk what this is... lol Mvr9tgSun Aug 23, 2009 11:08 pm

I watch him wilt
I watch him cry
I watch him call for the one
The one that he craves

And I say:
let the blood keep falling
the blood keeps crawling
out of my veins
and into my soul, again

his blood keeps pouring
his pain keeps growing
bringing me down
straight into the ground, again

He suffers alone
I sit and I stare
My pain grows more for him
The ache doesn't leave me
It never leaves me
No, no no...

And I say:
let the blood keep falling
the blood keeps crawling
out of my veins
and into my soul, again

His blood keeps pouring
His pain keeps growing
Bringing me down
Straight into the ground, again.

He has to know
The feelings I show
Are real, for him
Him alone...

And I say:
let the blood keep falling
the blood keeps crawling
out of my veins
and into my soul, again

His blood keeps pouring
His pain keeps growing
Bringing me down
Straight into the ground, again.

His pain never leaves me
This ache never leaves
I'll steal his pain from him

All I know is that I was singing it randomly and then wrote it down.... That and it's not done yet...

Last edited by AceDarkPrincess on Mon Aug 24, 2009 11:04 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : added more...)
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idk what this is... lol
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